Tuesday, May 6, 2008

After the jobs...now US is blaming us for Food shortage...

This came as a shock… and also had a hearty laugh, when I read about Bush’s remarks on Food Shortage. Looks like they are running short of reasons to cover up their mistakes.
One of the newspaper said,
"Even as the world spins into a global food crisis, a popular theory — voiced by the likes of US President George W Bush and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice — is that the Chinese and Indians are responsible. The 'logic': due to zooming incomes, they are eating more, causing worldwide shortages."

On the postive side of it, I am happy we Indians are eating enough. I remember when I was in school, I used to go 30 mins early to the ration shop and stand in line, like others. And my mother used to follow with 2-3 big bags, after an hour, all we used to get was some 10kgs of wheat (with dust, mud, pebbles, and what not.., so practically it would be 9 kgs) and some 5 kgs of rice. For a south Indian family in Delhi, 5 kgs of rice is certainly not enough... so we grew up with north indian food habits (no regrets). But then again, all together 15kgs of grains for a month and for a family of 5...

Now, when I look back, I certainly feel things have changed. I don't have to run to the super market early... but yes, the waiting in the queue at the billing counter, that isn't encouraging... :)

Inspite of such a blame by the developed countries, the reports shows that the US citizens consume 5 times more than Indians... leave aside the central Africa.

I am sure the next in line is the oil prices, the same reason would be quoted to say we Indians have better salary so we are buying cars, and with Nano on its way... US has a ready excuse..